
A tag-based note management system for creating, editing and reading plain-text note files. Created using R for cross-platform usage. [View]

WordlR - a Wordle like game in R

A text-based game to be played in the terminal, inspired from the viral online game Wordle and created using R. [View]

Game of Life, in R

Conway's Game of Life, created using R. The code creates individual plots for each generation, and then stitches them together in a video/GIF. [View]

Download data from Flickr

R code for searching Flickr using keywords and downloading the resulting photos. The date, location, lat-lon and link of the downloaded photos are saved in a text (CSV) file. [View]

Collate instagram-scraper data

The Python package instagram-scraper is used to download photos from Instagram, and the details are saved in a JSON file. This R code extracts the details (filename, location of photo, link) and saves them in a CSV file. [View]

Plotting with ggplot2 in R

A simple yet comprehensive tutorial for plotting with ‘ggplot2’ package in R, created for beginners. [View]